Sunday, 31 July 2011

Physiology of Heart

    Since the origin of mankind, the heart is said to be the greatest organ. Well the price of the greatness is responsibility. As human and other creatures in this world, heart do have their own responsibilities.
Heart play role in Circulation. It pumps blood with the aid of blood vessels by repeated rhythmic contraction.

Rocking circulation. Just have a look. You will be amazed.


A Journey Of Heart Anatomy

    Once upon a time, there was a city known as Human. The city is managed by many departments situated at certain position and having their own portfolios. The major department is situated at the space called Mediastinum. The head office is named as Heart and ruled by several officers like Atria, Ventricle and Valve. Besides officers, Heart do also employ Vessels as helper in transportation. All the officers and the helpers deals with one major matter  known as Blood. There are two type of blood namely deoxygenated blood and oxygenated blood.

Tittle: Structure of Heart
     To make things easier, Heart is divided to the left and right by Septum. Then each side is further divided into upper and lower chamber. The upper chambers are ruled by Atria while the lower chambers by Ventricles. In between there is another officer named  valve. Valve act as information transfer controller. Valve ensure that the Blood does not travel in opposite direction
     Since there are two types of blood, Heart divides the role of managing deoxygenated blood to the right side while oxygenated blood is managed by left side of Heart. 
    There are 4 major Helpers in this head office. They are Aorta , Vena Cava, Pulmonary Artery and Pulmonary Vein. Pulmonary Vein and Aorta deals with oxygenated Blood. Pulmonary Artery and Vena Cava transports deoxygenated blood. 

Resource: Donna Van Wynsberghe,1990,Human Anatomy and Physiology.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

King of The Vessels *.*.*AoRtA.*.*.*.

King of The World ------- Lord
King of The Jungle ------- Lion
King of The Vessels ------- AORTA
Tittle: The Anatomy of Heart

  • It is the largest artery in the body
  • Originates from the left ventricle and extends down to the abdomen and branches into two smaller arteries
  • Play role in systemic circulation 

Clear course on The King of Vessels


The course of the Aorta

1.Ascending Aorta.
  • 5 cm long.
  • branch into left and right coronary arteries.
2.Arch of Aorta.
  • branches into brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery.
3.Descending Aorta.
  • begins from 4th thoracic vertebra until 12th thoracic - Thoracic Aorta.
  • pass behind diaphragm and forms abdominal aorta - Abdominal Aorta.
Resource: Donna Van Wynsberghe,1990,Human Anatomy and Physiology.

    Tuesday, 26 July 2011

    The Supporters Of Heart -------Blood Vessel

    A person shall hold to the words:
    ‘What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us’

    But the matter goes other way round in the matter heart. 
     ‘Whatever lies around the heart is much more important than what lies within it’.
    • Well it is the BLOOD VESSELS

    3 major Blood Vessels 
    Tittle: Capillaries - connects Artery and Vein

    Tittle: Artery and Vein

     The video gives idea on the structure and functions of the blood vessels.

    Its easy buddy

    Artery           away from heart
    Vein              towards the heart
    Capillaries   connects A & V

    Resource: Donna Van  Wynsberghe,1990, Human Anatomy and Physiology.

    Great Layers of Heart

    Tittle: Layers of Heart

    Just like a delicious layer cake, human heart do composed of 3 main layers.

    1. Pericardium
    • outer sac of fibrous tissue
    • inner sac of double membrane of serous 
    2.  Myocardium

    Tittle: Cardiac Muscles
    • made up of cardiac muscle.
    3. Endocardium.
    • innermost lining.
    • lines the inner chambers and valves.

    Resource: Donna Van Wynsberghe,1990,Human Anatomy and Physiology.

    Saturday, 23 July 2011

    Let's Explore Our Heart

    'A memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make a special moment last forever. '

        Life is a wonderful thing in this wonderland. Each of  us have been blessed by the Lord with a basketful of authority in determining our life pathway. At the same time,we should not forget that the Lord have also blessed us with an amazing organ, a major entity of human life....hmmm can you guys guess it? 

    Its our heart.

        Every single things that is done by us and thought too be precious are always captured and kept in an inbox folder called the heart. Even sometimes, many of us could feel like an invoice from this folder is chatting with us. Mainly when we are in a hot soup.  
    Robert Valett, a great poet said that :

    'The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.'
    Tittle: Human Heart
        Well in general human heart is a very complex inbox folder of every man's life. However most of doesn't know that the great heart does more than this.

    Let’s start off with its shape and position.
    The shape of the heart clearly shows uniqueness.
    Heart is a cone shaped hollow muscular organ. Normally it weighs about 310 g in male and only 225 g in female. It is placed at the MEDIASTINUM.’s not a name of metal or an aircraft engine. Mediastinum refers to the space in between our lungs. Talking more on its shape, heart is usually described to be placed in our body upside down. The apex of heart is located at the bottom, while the base at the top.
    Resource: Donna Van Wynsberghe,1990,Human Anatomy and Physiology.