'A memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make a special moment last forever. '
Life is a wonderful thing in this wonderland. Each of us have been blessed by the Lord with a basketful of authority in determining our life pathway. At the same time,we should not forget that the Lord have also blessed us with an amazing organ, a major entity of human life....hmmm can you guys guess it?
Its our heart.
Every single things that is done by us and thought too be precious are always captured and kept in an inbox folder called the heart. Even sometimes, many of us could feel like an invoice from this folder is chatting with us. Mainly when we are in a hot soup.
Robert Valett, a great poet said that :
'The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.'
Tittle: Human Heart
Resource:http://www.koenzym-q10.cz/ |
Well in general human heart is a very complex inbox folder of every man's life. However most of doesn't know that the great heart does more than this.
Let’s start off with its shape and position.
The shape of the heart clearly shows uniqueness.
Heart is a cone shaped hollow muscular organ. Normally it weighs about 310 g in male and only 225 g in female. It is placed at the
MEDIASTINUM. Haha...it’s not a name of metal or an aircraft engine.
Mediastinum refers to the space in between our lungs. Talking more on its shape, heart is usually described to be placed in our body upside down. The
apex of heart is located at the bottom, while the base at the top.Resource: Donna Van Wynsberghe,1990,Human Anatomy and Physiology.